Farmers with many years farming experience know that in the process of raising chickens, feed is a very expensive expense, which can account for about 60% of the total cost, so many farmers are trying to find Reducing the expense on feed and saving the feed means save costs. In fact, as long as the feed utilization rate is high, the cost will naturally drop. The following Dingtuo will tell farmers how to improve the feed utilization rate.

1. When farmers prepare or purchase feed, they must choose or formulate the nutrients needed for egg/broilers in different growth stages. Only in this way can the egg/ broiler reach the standard nutrition and the egg/ broiler can grow

2. Farmers should pay attention to the quality and palatability of the raw materials when selecting raw materials for preparation. If the quality of the feed prepared by the farmers is poor or the palatability is poor, even if the calculation meets the nutritional needs, the chickens do not like food, still no goodutilization. Some feedstock farmers with poor palatability raw materials, can process in advance and useit in feed limited.

3. When formulating feed, farmers should pay attention to the quality of feed. When selecting raw materials, farmers should consider the hygiene requirements of feed. The raw materials used should be good quality. The raw materials of moldy and deteriorated should not be used as raw materials for compound feed. In the feed ingredients, such as rice bran, peanut cake, etc. due to high fat content, easy to mold, easy to infect aflatoxin and produce aflatoxin, damage the liver of the chicken, severe tumor or cancer. In addition, should select feed ingredients that are not contaminated with pesticides or other toxic or hazardous substances.

4. Another farmer needs to pay special attention to: the relationship between chicken feed intake and feed nutrient concentration when formulating feed. If the energy concentration of the diet is low, the chicken will increase the feed intake, and eating too much will reduce the digestibility.

5. How the environmental conditions of the chicken house controlled by the farmers can also affect the feed conversion efficiency. For example, the suitable growth temperature of laying hens is 17-25℃. When the temperature is lowered, the feed intake increases, and most of the feed energy will be used for heat production instead of laying eggs. If the temperature is too high, the feed intake is reduced.

6. Strengthen feed storage: The preservation of feed is also a major pointof improving feed utilization. If the farmer’s feed is improperly stored, it will waste costs. If feed to the chickens, it will affect the health of the chickens, especially in the In the high temperature and high humidity season, it will cause insects and mildew.

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