4 tiers chicken cage is popular in poultry farm. The width and height of 4 tiers chicken cage is reasonable design . Easy to build the chicken shed.
4 tiers layer cage structure
- 4 tiers chicken cage
- Capacity: 120 birds, 128 birds, 160 birds, 200 birds
- 4 cell/cage basket , 5 cell/cage basket
- 3 birds/cell, 4 birds/cell
- 2m by 2.4m by 1.9m
Chicken cage component
- Cage mesh: top mesh , back mesh , bottom mesh , partition mesh , cage door . These parts is fixed by clips.
- Cage frame : U-shape hot galvanized steel or angle bar. Cage hang on it , used to support chicken cage.
- Automatic drinking system: water tanks , water pipes , nipple drinkers , regulator and other fittings
- Feed trough: PVC material , white color , big type , the strongest .